Spa services are among the fastest growing segment of the massage business. Exfoliating scrubs and facials not only cleanse and soften the skin, they also draw out impurities from within. These rituals, when administered by skilled and sensitive therapists can also be relaxing and soothing. If you are involved in the health and beauty industry this is a must have. No wet room or shower facilities are required.
This step-by-step, 30 minute instructional DVD has four chapters that introduce and guide you through these spa treatments: a foot exfoliation, a hand exfoliation and a simple facial.
Easy-to-learn instructions on how to implement
these treatments include the following:
How and why these spa treatments produce a
beautiful result that is more than “skin deep”
How to easily acquire and use the equipment
required for treatments
Preparing your space and the massage table
for the spa treatments
Easy tips and techniques
How and when to rehydrate the skin
List of contraindications for these treatments